Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hobby Progress: Urien, Warhammer, Wolf Guard, and Miscellany

One by one I'm popping out some finished work ... keeps me sane. 
The old DE model for Urien ... all the key themes of stapled flesh and torture devices are there.  A standout in a field of in otherwise heretofore medicore range.
And OOP Warhammer 'Dogs of War' Witchhunter model.  Good fun to mix the browns with more browns to achieve that Puritan / 17th Century effect.  Gets me thinking about Mordheim, actually... 

A relatively easy mod to the now-OOP Logan Grimnar model.  The flail is from the (now) OOP Chaos Maruaders box. 

 And finally ...

A miscellaneous fighter from the Reaper range. Painting the reds in his cloak was good fun.

Project - Counts-As Squiggoth pt. 1

The Historicon Flea Market was very good to me a couple weeks back ... I picked up an Archnarok new-on-sprue for just $25.

So now I get to make something that I've been interested in for quite some time -- a Snakebite Clan counts-as Squiggoth.

At this point I am leaning towards a lobba to make it comport with the general ruleset for the Orks, but there is definitely some appeal in having a direct fire kannon too.

It's big, but not as big as I'd hoped, so I plan to build out a big howdah for it.

Separately, its legs are too expansive to allow for true basing -- too big a footprint for the bases used for a Dakka Jet, for example.

Mmm...tasty Chaos Space Marine...

The 'little' guy on the right is what I'm aiming for...