Monday, January 19, 2015

Hobby is Coming!

Am getting set for the upcoming Independent Characters 2015 Hobby Progress Challenge ... this year's selection will be Tau.  It's a collection of models I own that, once painted, will actually close out the sum of the models I own in its entirety.   Which will be a happy thing. 

At this point I'm looking at an Unbound list to let me take as much of what I own as possible ... but we'll see once the HPC 2015 rules are posted.

In the mean time, I've been building Tau Pathfinders. Have to say that I am very impressed at how much this kit has to offer by way of bits -- lots of drone options AND special weapons AND a full load out of pulse carbines.  There are some great poses in there -- though some of the characters are pretty 'stand up straight and eat your vegetables' in their stature. But all in all, a great kit.

A few old metal Pathfinders to bulk out their numbers, and an Ethereal for my HQ spot.

Though I think the Ion Rifles are a poor choice (AP4?!?) the models themselves look great!

I've also been tinkering with paint schemes ... I was leaning towards the all grey scheme, but am now increasingly taken with a blue-green scheme built around Citadel's 'Stegadon Scale Green' ... it'll require mixing up a highlight color, but only because GW doesn't one that I'm aware of. More to do on these guys, but I'm pleased with the direction they're headed so far.

The Fire Warrior on the right is Vallejo Basalt Grey and a Nuln Oil wash to add depth ... with the red shoulder pad deliberately calling attention to itself.
Having realized a scheme I like, I may yet apply it to the whole army, rather than have them be all greys...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Typhus and Friends

Got a great lot of CSM Plague Marines on Ebay a while back ... finally completed them, which brings my total to 60.  Stars of the show were the Forge World CSM Terminators ... and Typhus.

As you might imagine, there's a lot of drybrushing and washes involved...Citadel's old Foundation Orange, Vallejo's Iraqi Sand and Army Painter's Necrotic Flesh over a Vallejo 'Russian Uniform Green' - all with a healthy wash of Agrathax.

My aim with the EBay lot was to ensure consistency with the PMs that I'd already painted up - including Venerable Brother Mucinex (see my October 25 post from last year) and I think I was able to hit that mark.

Am very pleased with the way Manreaper came out, save for the fact that I missed a mold line.  Pink Horror with an Agrathax Wash = wrapped skin ... appropriately creepy!

Alaitoic Wraithlord

Love this guy, hate painting yellow, and DEFINITELY need to pick a new color for the base (it's Army Painter's 'Necrotic Flesh' - chosen on a whim...)

Blood Angels Librarian

My version of the BA has a decidedly CSM bent to it -- plays to the 'they've fallen to their predatory tendencies'.  This guy originally had the force staff, but of course he's made of FailCast, so it broke.  Fortunately I had some GK bits around, and got him back where I wanted him to be. 

Surprise hit of the whole project for me was the GW 'Stegadon Green' for the robes -- including a wet blend with mixed white.  Very pleased with that as a color.  Makes me think of all sorts of projects involving Eldar and Tau.


 Completed some Tyrannic War Vets nee Sternguard, and Tigurius.  These round out this project, though I've many many more Ultramarines to paint.  But at this point I have a good color scheme down for them, so from here it's on to painting up the more 'plain' Tactical and Devastator squads.