Sunday, May 3, 2015

Elves and Cockroaches

Finally got around to finishing up some projects that I'd been toying with for a while ... namely a Carnifex and the Eldar Avatar.

For the former, my goal was to make it look as realistic as possible, more like a cockroach than any kind of specific Hive Fleet. 

Of course, when I tried to base the model, I got a lot of dusting and clumping and had to soak the mini in Purple Power to get that back to a more normal coating.  That completed, I proceeded to use a combination of Vallejo Iraqi Sand for the flesh and Chocolate Brown (70.872) for the carapace, with an overbrush of German Camo Ochre for highlights, with a heavy wash of Agrathax Earthshade and then a layer of 'Ard Coat to give it a shiny appearance. 

As to the Avatar, its an unaltered use of the Dark Eldar Cauldron of Blood statute.  I used multiple layers of Citadel's Stegadon Scale Green, gradually working more and more white into it. A little Guillaman Blue glaze on the chest plate, and that was that.  I deliberately kept the sword as clean and metallic as possible -- the better to contrast with the darker tones of the Avatar itself. 

The challenge now, of course, is to find something other than a shaving cream cap to use as a base! I've got a good one from the Secret Weapon Miniatures "Bone Fields' range, but the Avatar's feet don't really fit well in the slots provided.

And of course, now that I stare at the mini some more, I find myself reminded of another otherworldy being that underwent a tragic transformation ...

Special Rule - "Moonwalk" - This model has a 3+ Jink Save

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