Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ultramarines Praetor

A survivor of Calth ... I'm especially proud of the radiation burns I created by mixing in some red into the Army Painter Flesh Tone after I'd already put a layer down.

Initially he had a blue sword and blue power pack on his gun -- but it was too much, so I redid them.

I'm still not 100% on the lack of white to contrast -- but that's as much a factor of the Heresy paint scheme as it is the 'this is a generalist model you can use for any Legion' factor.

These have a different 'dust and grime' scheme than my Scattered Legion troopers, to represent Calth's urban terrain, vice Istvaan V's open ground.

The final -- with a wash of Asurmen Blue over Boltgun Metal, and a blended green powercell.

The original -- just too many different shades of blue going on.

And a close up of his face ... blended to look like he got rad-burns.

Iron Hands Project - Contemptor Drednaught

My latest work ... themed as another survivor of Istvaan V.

I tried to make the left breast look like it'd been burned, but that's very hard to do on black armor ... so instead it looks metallic and rusted.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Product Review - MDF 32mm bases from

When it was announced, I was violently opposed to the new 32mm basing push by GW. And the ones on the GW store sell for $.50 each ... which doesn't help matters. 

But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see what all the fuss was about ... I'd heard some of the podcasters I listen to talk about how good they look.  And, let's face it, many of the CSM and SM sculpts are falling off the edge of their 25mm bases.

I looked at my local FLGS ... which carries a lot of the green plastic bases made by Renedra (  I'd bought some for some WW2 minis I have to use with Bolt Action and they're quite good.  But Rendera doesn't sell 32mm -- only 30mms.

So then I turned to an old friend for help - Ebay - and found a Spanish seller called 

That's right... just about $.10 each after shipping... has an eBay store that lists all their products. ( :

The bases arrived within 2 weeks (they come from Spain after all) in a small box (*amply padded) and packaged thusly.  I also got an email from the seller when they shipped.

Each one is 2.5mm thick, has flat smooth surfaces (ie: there's no top or bottom) and tight, lasercut sides that are fairly smooth too.  They take glue (*in my case I'm using LOCTITE) like a champ -- both for affixing the miniature to them, and for putting on base materials.   I've even pin drilled one to take a metal Chaplain (after snipping off the tab) and it worked just fine.

My final note would be that if you look at their store on Ebay, they also sell a wide variety of paint stands -- and their shipping costs a re less than those from Hobbyzone ( I can't compare the products, since I only own those from Hobbyzone (*and heartily endorse them).

So all in all, very satisfied with my find on eBay. Worth a look if you're looking for bases for your armies (40K or otherwise).