Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Flesh Tearers concept project

Just dabbling a bit in the troubled Sons of Sanguinius.

I'd been leaning towards a CSM army modeled on BA, but I've a yen for the FT paint scheme.

As you can see, these are more concept models than actual 'official combat load out' -- but that's not really the point.  They're a mix of Berzerker models and standard SM models.

-------------------- MUCH LATER -----------------------------

The finished models that I've finally gotten around to taking pics of...

Very pleased with how the red on these guys came out ... Vallejo 'Red' for them, and then of course grey highlights on the black armor and the GW Technical 'Blood For the Blood God' on the weapons. 

Tighten it up, Brother Cestus, you're out of focus!

A duly chastened Brother Cestus, now back in focus.

Helmet conversion courtesy of the Khorne Berzerkers kit ... Bunny Ears sold separately.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Some additional work...

Just some projects I've been working on ... both for the IC HPC 2014 and for my own amusement.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Asthetics ...

Two shots of a Space Wolves Rune Priest -- one key difference (other than the crappy lighting in one shot) -- I originally had the lightning bolts on his armor in a bright blue, but they overwhelmed the model.  So I repainted them with Reaper's Copper -- and the look of the model comes right back to where it needs to be.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Space Wolf Drednaughts Project Completed

Finished the other two Space Wolves drednaughts.

Overall am very impressed with how easily the SW Dred bits fit onto the AOBR dred. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ultramarines Captain Sicarius with Lightning Claws

Once upon a time, the hero of the Second Company rolled like Wolverine.  I've been a LONG time in getting around to painting this model, but he's done.

Best of all, I've locked down the highlight color for my Ultramarines scheme (Maccragge Blue --> Drakendorf Nightshade wash --> Altdorf Blue).  This had been a major sticking point on my getting any momentum going on painting my Ultramarines.

This focus is a testament to my IPhone's inability to focus on the entirety of the field ... but you get the idea.

First Space Wolf Dred Completed -- Clawsy McStabberson

First of the three is done -- and I'm pretty pleased with the results. 
While I am ok with the idea of a dred gone Wulfen, the goofy 'human' head that comes with the kit is a poor second to the Wolf Skull goodness of a Cyber Wolf Skull.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Back with a New Project - Space Wolves Drednaughts

After quite some time away, otherwise occupied with the IC's HPC (currently painting up tons of Tallarn), odds and ends (Morkanaut), and playing a good deal of Star Wars X-Wing, I've decided to resume my scribblings here.

Latest project is a trio of SW dreds -- two from the box, and one AOBR dred with some SW bits from the boxed sets.

The fellow in the middle is to be Murderfang -- or Clawsy McStabberson as I call him -- and then a regular dred with a Hellfrost Cannon and a Ven Dred with a big @#$ing axe.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Independent Characters 2014 Hobby Progress Challenge - Part One Complete!

Finished out the first half of this year's HPC from the Independent Characters! 


He looks sorta confused ... like he missed his bus!

The DV cultists are some of the best minis GW's made in a long time.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Perry Brothers - Continental Infantry

And just as I am growing weary of all things 40K, I saw these in my local FLGS.

Pure win.  My only problem is that I couldn't afford more than one box.

The detail is impressive, the cost is stunning ($36 for $38 guys?!? Compared to a $20 IG Commissar model there's no question), and the uniform guide really puts it over the top for me.

Carpet sold separately, but the green plastic bases in the upper left are a nice touch.