Some time ago I scored a big lot of greenskins on Ebay. This happy fellow was included in the batch, and I finally got around to painting him up. Better photos to follow at some point, but the idea was to capture the Deathskulls theme while keeping the rest of the Stompa suitably worn and torn -- as I imagine ork vehicles must be.
I started with a dry brush of GW's Warplock Bronze, then Bolgun
Metal, then a heavy wash of Agrathax Earthshade, followed with a
overbrush of Chainmail (*which is an older name for some new shiney
sivler they have) and heavy stipling with a Vallejo orange.
blues and whites are from Vallejo as well - Sea Grey with Foundation
White and a wash of Agrathax, and then more whites drybrushed.
Final version is below